Juntou-se a Steve Winwood, garoto prodígio vindo do Spencer Davis Group e Traffic, que aos 20 anos estava maluco para criar um super-grupo. Esse citou Ginger Baker para a bateria. Clapton relutou. Não queria conviver com fantasmas do passado. Não queria continua sendo um garoto de recados,como nos tempos do Cream, mas acabou cedendo.
Juntos começaram a trabalhar como um grupo em fevereiro de 1969. Contudo faltava alguém. O músico escolhido para tocar baixo no novo grupo foi Rick Grech, ex-integrante do Family. A gravadora tratou de mostrá-los como um novo super-grupo. Exigia-se deles uma vendagem semelhante à do Cream e as propostas de show eram inúmeras.
Em agosto de 1969 lançaram seu disco homônimo num momento de ápice da geração hippie, que estava comemorando os louros da vitória sobre a careta sociedade americana.
O disco não alcançou as expectativas da gravadora. Músicas como "Do What you like" e "Sea of Joy" mostravam como aquele grupo teria indo longe.
Dotadas de belas melodias e arranjos elaborados, além é claro dos belos dotes instrumentais de seus músicos, o disco é um deleite do início ao fim. A guitarra de Clapton é límpida e cristalina em seus licks certeiros. A maravilhosa bateria de Mr. Baker transita com desenvoltura pelos mais variados ritmos. Rick Grech segura a ponta no baixo e Winwood dava um show à parte. O cara escrevia a maior parte das músicas, tocava órgão, piano e quando cantava simplesmente emocionava. Texto: Rafael Nunes Campos (Whiplash).
Eric Clapton (Guitarra, Vocais)
Steve Winwood (Órgão, Baixo, Guitarra, Piano, Teclado, Vocais, Harmônica)
Ginger Baker (Percussão, Bateria)
Ric Grech (Baixo, Violino, Vocais)
Steve Winwood (Órgão, Baixo, Guitarra, Piano, Teclado, Vocais, Harmônica)
Ginger Baker (Percussão, Bateria)
Ric Grech (Baixo, Violino, Vocais)
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Blind Faith (1969)

01. Had To Cry Today
02. Can’t Find My Way Home
03. Well All Right
04. Presence Of The Lord
05. Sea Of Joy
06. Do What You Like
02. Can’t Find My Way Home
03. Well All Right
04. Presence Of The Lord
05. Sea Of Joy
06. Do What You Like
01. Change Of Address
02. Sleeping In The Ground
03. Sea Of Joy
04. Under My Thumb
05. Well Alright
06. Can’t Find My Way Home
07. Sleeping In The Ground
08. Untitled
09. Hey Joe
10. Untitled
11. Untitled
12. Untitled
13. Exchange and Mart
02. Sleeping In The Ground
03. Sea Of Joy
04. Under My Thumb
05. Well Alright
06. Can’t Find My Way Home
07. Sleeping In The Ground
08. Untitled
09. Hey Joe
10. Untitled
11. Untitled
12. Untitled
13. Exchange and Mart
Morgan Studios Rehersals (Bootleg 1969)

CD 1.
01. Instrumental Jam #1
02. Instrumental Jam #2
03. Instrumental Jam #3
04. Instrumental Jam #4
05. Instrumental Jam #5 (Africant Chant, vocals by Ginger Baker)
02. Instrumental Jam #2
03. Instrumental Jam #3
04. Instrumental Jam #4
05. Instrumental Jam #5 (Africant Chant, vocals by Ginger Baker)
06. Instrumental Jam #6
07. Instrumental Jam #7
08. Instrumental Jam #8
09. Instrumental Jam #9
10. Well Alright #1
07. Instrumental Jam #7
08. Instrumental Jam #8
09. Instrumental Jam #9
10. Well Alright #1
CD 2.
01. Well Alright #2
02. Well Alright #3
03. Well Alright #4
04. Well Alright #5
05. Well Alright #6
06. Well Alright #7
07. Hey Joe #1
08. Hey Joe #2
09. Instrumental Jam #10
10. Well Alright #11
11. Well Alright #12
12. Instrumental Jam #11
13. Instrumental Jam #12
14. Instrumental Jam #13
15. Instrumental Jam #14
16. Instrumental Jam #15
17. Instrumental Jam #16
02. Well Alright #3
03. Well Alright #4
04. Well Alright #5
05. Well Alright #6
06. Well Alright #7
07. Hey Joe #1
08. Hey Joe #2
09. Instrumental Jam #10
10. Well Alright #11
11. Well Alright #12
12. Instrumental Jam #11
13. Instrumental Jam #12
14. Instrumental Jam #13
15. Instrumental Jam #14
16. Instrumental Jam #15
17. Instrumental Jam #16
Rated - X (Bootleg 1969)

CD 1.
01. Well Allright
02. Sleeping on the Ground
03. Sea of Joy
04. Under My Thumb
05. Can’t Find My Way Home
06. Do What you Like
02. Sleeping on the Ground
03. Sea of Joy
04. Under My Thumb
05. Can’t Find My Way Home
06. Do What you Like
CD 2.
01. Presence of the Lord
02. Means To An End
03. Had to Cry Today
04. Well Allright
05. Sleeping on the Ground
06. Sea of Joy
07. Under My Thumb
02. Means To An End
03. Had to Cry Today
04. Well Allright
05. Sleeping on the Ground
06. Sea of Joy
07. Under My Thumb
Crossroads Live (Bootleg 1969)

01. Crossroads
02. Presence Of The Lord
03. Means To An End
04. Well Alright
05. Can’t Find My Way Home
06. Had To Cry Today
02. Presence Of The Lord
03. Means To An End
04. Well Alright
05. Can’t Find My Way Home
06. Had To Cry Today
Live Berkeley (1969)

01. Well All Right
02. Can’t Find My Way Home
03. Had To Cry Today
04. Sleeping In The Ground
05. Crossroads
06. Presence Of The Lord
07. Means To An End
08. Do What You Like
09. Sunshine Of Your Love (With Delaney Bramlett)
02. Can’t Find My Way Home
03. Had To Cry Today
04. Sleeping In The Ground
05. Crossroads
06. Presence Of The Lord
07. Means To An End
08. Do What You Like
09. Sunshine Of Your Love (With Delaney Bramlett)
10. Unreleased Studio Jam
Live In Gotenburg (Bootleg 1969)

01. Sleeping In The Ground
02. Sea of Joy
03. Under My Thumb
04. Can’t Find My Way Home
05. Presence of the Lord
06. Had to Cry Today
07. Do What You Like
02. Sea of Joy
03. Under My Thumb
04. Can’t Find My Way Home
05. Presence of the Lord
06. Had to Cry Today
07. Do What You Like
Studio Outtakes (Bootleg 1969)

01. Well Alright (Take 1)
02. Untitled Instrumental #1
03. Untitled Instrumental #2
04. Well Alright (Takes 8 & 9)
05. Untitled Blues #1
06. Untitled Instrumental #3
07. Well Alright (Take 14)
08. Key to the Highway
09. Untitled Blues #2
10. Change of Address (Island Records Promo)
11. Can’t Find My Way Home (Electric)
Bind Faith - Deluxe Edition (2000)
03. Untitled Instrumental #2
04. Well Alright (Takes 8 & 9)
05. Untitled Blues #1
06. Untitled Instrumental #3
07. Well Alright (Take 14)
08. Key to the Highway
09. Untitled Blues #2
10. Change of Address (Island Records Promo)
11. Can’t Find My Way Home (Electric)
Bind Faith - Deluxe Edition (2000)

CD 1.
01. Had to Cry Today
02. Can’t Find My Way Home
03. Well All Right
04. Presence of the Lord
05. Sea of Joy
06. Do What You Like
02. Can’t Find My Way Home
03. Well All Right
04. Presence of the Lord
05. Sea of Joy
06. Do What You Like
Bonus Tracks.
07. Sleeping in the Ground (Prev. Unreleased Mix)
08. Can’t Find My Way Home (Electric Version-Prev. Unreleased Mix)
09. Acoustic Jam (Prev. Unreleased)
10. Time Winds (Prev. Unreleased)
11. Sleeping in the Ground (Slow Blues Version-Prev. Unreleased)
CD 2.
01. Jam No.1: Very Long & Good Jam (Prev. Unreleased)
02. Jam No.2: Slow Jam #1 (Prev. Unreleased)
03. Jam No.3: Change of Address Jam (Prev. Unreleased)
04. Jam No.4: Slow Jam #2 (Prev. Unreleased)
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