Eric Patrick Clapton CBE (Ripley, 30 de março de 1945) é um guitarrista, cantor e compositor britânico. Apelidado de Slow Hand, é considerado um dos melhores guitarristas do mundo.
Embora seu estilo musical tenha variado ao longo de sua carreira, Clapton sempre teve suas raízes ligadas ao blues. Clapton foi considerado inovador pelos críticos em várias fases distintas de sua carreira, atingindo sucesso tanto de crítica quanto de público e tendo várias canções listadas entre as mais populares de todos os tempos, tais como “Layla”, “Wonderful Tonight” e a regravação de “I Shot the Sheriff”, de Bob Marley.
Em 2004 foi condecorado com o título de Comandante da Ordem do Império Britânico (CBE).
Carreira musical e Vida Pessoal.
Infância e Início da Carreira.
Clapton nasceu em Ripley, na Inglaterra, Sua mãe era solteira e com 16 anos de idade. Foi criado pela sua avó e pelo marido desta, acreditando que eles eram seus pais e que sua mãe era sua irmã mais velha. Descobriu a verdade aos 9 anos de idade, e essa revelação foi um momento muito marcante na sua vida. Depois disso, ele deixou de se aplicar na escola e se tornou um garoto calado, tímido, solitário e distante de sua família.
Seu primeiro emprego foi como carteiro e, aos 13 anos de idade, ganhou seu primeiro violão. Apesar da dificuldade inicial de aprender a tocar o instrumento, quase desistindo, acabou se esforçando para tocar os primeiros acordes influenciado por canções antigas de blues, que tentava reproduzir. Em pouco tempo, já dedicava horas diárias ao aprendizado, e foi conseguindo dominar o instrumento.
Depois de completar o ensino básico, em 1962 Clapton fez um ano introdutório na Kingston College of Art, mas não continuou o curso. Em janeiro de 1963, ingressou na banda The Roosters, onde permaneceu até agosto do mesmo ano.
O Surgimento de Clapton.
Ainda em 63, passou a integrar a banda Yardbirds, que começava a fazer sucesso na Grã-Bretanha. Entretanto, fiel à suas raízes blues, recusou-se a seguir a direção pop escolhida pelo grupo, e acabou saindo em março de 1965. Depois de um tempo em empregos temporários, entrou para a John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers, estabelecendo seu nome como músico de blues e inspirando o fanatismo de jovens que pichavam Londres com a inscrição “Clapton is God”.
Ele largou os Bluesbreakers em 1966 e então formou o Cream, um dos primeiros “power trios” do rock, com Jack Bruce e Ginger Baker. Foi nessa época que Eric começou a desenvolver-se como cantor, embora Bruce, um dos melhores vocalistas do rock, fizesse a maioria dos vocais.
No final de 1966 o status de Clapton como melhor guitarrista da Grã-Bretanha foi abalado com a chegada de Jimi Hendrix. Hendrix compareceu a uma das primeiras apresentações do Cream, no London Polytechnic em 1 de outubro de 1966, e tocou uma jam com a banda durante “Killing Floor”. Eric imediatamente percebeu que havia ganho um imbatível adversário, cujo carisma era igualado somente por sua incrível técnica na guitarra. Os primeiros shows de Hendrix no Reino Unido foram assistidos pela maioria dos astros da música britânica, incluindo Clapton, Pete Townshend e os Beatles. A chegada do americano teria um impacto profundo e imediato na próxima etapa da carreira de Clapton.
Fim do Cream.
Embora o Cream seja apresentado como um dos melhores grupos de sua geração, a banda teve vida curta. As lendárias brigas internas – especialmente entre Bruce e Baker – aumentaram a tensão entre os três integrantes, levando ao fim do trio. Outro fator significante foi uma crítica pesada da revista Rolling Stone de um dos shows do Cream, o que afetou Clapton profundamente.
Goodbye, álbum de despedida da banda, apresentava faixas ao vivo gravadas no Royal Albert Hall, assim como a versão de estúdio de “Badge”, composta por Eric e George Harrison.
A amizade próxima dos dois resultou na performance de Clapton em “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”, lançada no White Album dos Beatles. Ao acompanhar de perto o sofrimento da esposa de Harrison, Pattie Boyd, que vivia abandonada em razão do interesse do marido pela cultura hindu, Eric acabou se apaixonando. E o sofrimento por amar a mulher de seu melhor amigo o inspiraria a compor uma das suas canções mais conhecidas: “Layla”.
Uma segunda participação em outro super grupo, o menos-sucedido Blind Faith (1969), com Baker, Steve Winwood e Rick Grech, resultou em um álbum fraco e uma turnê norte-americana cancelada. Já aí Clapton estava cansado de sua fama e do burburinho que cercava o Cream e o Blind Faith, além de ter ficado profundamente afetado pela música do The Band – com o qual de fato ele já havia pedido para se juntar depois do fim do Cream. Clapton então decidiu ficar um pouco nas sombras, e passou a viajar em turnê como convidado do grupo americano Delaney and Bonnie and Friends. Ele tornou-se amigo íntimo de Delaney Bramlett, que o encorajou a voltar a compor e a cantar.
Usando a banda de apoio de Bramletts e um elenco estelar de músicos de estúdio, Clapton lançou seu primeiro disco solo em 1970, que trazia uma de suas melhores composições: “Let It Rain”.
Se apropriando da seção rítmica do Delaney & Bonnie – Bobby Whitlock (teclado, vocais), Carl Radle (baixo) e Jim Gordon (bateria) – ele formou uma nova banda com a intenção de contrastar com o culto de “estrelismo” que crescera a sua volta e mostrar Clapton como um integrante no mesmo patamar dos demais. Isto tornou-se ainda mais evidente com a escolha do nome – Derek and the Dominos – que veio de uma piada nos bastidores do primeiro show da banda.
Trabalhando no Criterion Studios em Miami com o produtor Tom Dowd, a banda gravou um brilhante álbum duplo, hoje em dia considerado como a obra-prima de Clapton: Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs. A maioria do material, incluindo a faixa título, foram inspirados pelo conto árabe Majnun e Layla e mostravam o grande amor não declarado de Clapton por Patti Harrison. “Layla” foi gravada em duas sessões distintas; a seção de abertura na guitarra foi gravada primeiro, e para a segunda seção, o baterista Jim Gordon compôs e tocou o elegante trecho ao piano.
Mas a tragédia marcou o grupo durante sua breve carreira. Durante as sessões, Clapton ficou devastado com a notícia da morte de Jimi Hendrix; a banda gravou uma versão tocante de “Little Wing” como um tributo a ele, adicionando-a ao álbum. Um ano depois, Duane Allman morreu em um acidente de motocicleta. Contribuindo mais para o sofrimento de Clapton, o álbum Layla receberia somente algumas poucas críticas neutras quando de seu lançamento.
Drogas e Álcool.
O esfacelado grupo resolveu iniciar uma turnê norte-americana. Apesar da admissão posterior de Clapton de que a turnê ocorreu em meio a uma verdadeira orgia de drogas e álcool, aquilo acabou resultando em um poderoso álbum ao vivo, In Concert. Mas o grupo se desintegraria pouco tempo depois em Londres, na véspera da gravação de seu segundo LP de estúdio. Embora Radle tenha continuado a trabalhar com Clapton por vários anos, a briga entre Eric e Bobby Whitlock foi aparentemente feia, e eles nunca mais voltariam a tocar juntos. Outra trágica nota de rodapé para a história do Dominos foi o destino de seu baterista Jim Gordon, que sofria de esquizofrenia não-diagnosticada – anos depois, durante um surto psicótico, ele mataria a própria mãe a marretadas, sendo confinado em um hospício, onde permanece até hoje.
Apesar de seu sucesso, a vida pessoal de Clapton encontrava-se em estado deplorável. Além de sua paixão por Pattie Boyd-Harrison, ele parou de tocar e se apresentar e tornou-se viciado em heroína, o que resultou em um hiato em sua carreira. A única interrupção notável desse hiato foi sua participação no Concerto para Bangladesh – organizado por George Harrison – e, depois, pelo “Rainbow Concert”, organizado por Pete Townshend do The Who para ajudar.
Clapton devolveu a gentileza ao interpretar o “Pregador” na versão cinematográfica de Tommy em 1975; sua aparição no filme (tocando “Eyesight To The Blind”) é notável pelo fato de ele estar claramente usando uma barba falsa em algumas sequências – o resultado de ele impensadamente raspar sua barba entre as gravações!
Relativamente limpo novamente, Clapton começou a organizar uma nova e forte banda, que incluía Radle, o guitarrista George Terry, o baterista Jamie Oldaker e as backing vocals Yvonne Elliman e Marcy Levy. Eles viajaram em turnê ao redor do mundo, posteriormente lançando o soberbo E.C. Was Here (1975).
Clapton lançou 461 Ocean Boulevard em 1974, álbum mais enfatizado nas canções ao invés de sua técnica na guitarra. Sua versão de “I Shot The Sheriff” foi um grande sucesso, sendo importante ao apresentar o reggae e a música de Bob Marley para um público mais extenso. Ele também promoveu o trabalho do cantor-compositor-guitarrista J.J.Cale.
Eric continuou a gravar e a fazer turnês regulares, mas a maioria de seu trabalho desta época foi deliberadamente mais calmo, fracassando em obter a mesma repercussão do início de sua carreira.
Em 1976 Clapton foi o centro de polêmicas acusações de racismo, ao protestar contra a imigração crescente durante um show em Birmingham. Clapton disse que a Inglaterra estava “se tornando superpopulada” e implorou para que a platéia votasse em Enoch Powell para impedir que a Grã-Bretanha virasse uma “colônia negra”. Seus comentários motivariam diretamente a criação do evento Rock Against Racism. Apesar do impacto negativo em sua carreira e reputação, Clapton sempre se recusou a diminuir o episódio e negou que havia alguma contradição entre seu ponto de vista político e sua carreira baseada essencialmente num formato musical criado pelos negros. Nesta mesma época, seu nome começou a aparecer em álbuns lançados no Japão como “Eric Crapton” (“Crap” = “Fezes”), embora isso seja provavelmente mais um caso de “engrish” do que de malevolência.
O final dos anos 70 viu um Clapton com dificuldades de se acertar com a música popular, causando uma recaída no alcoolismo que o levou a ser hospitalizado e depois internado para um período de convalescência em Antígua, onde ele mais tarde apoiaria a criação de um centro de reabilitação.
Em 1985 Clapton conheceu Yvone Khan Kelly, com quem ele começaria um relacionamento. Eles tiveram uma filha, Ruth, que nasceu no mesmo ano. Clapton se divorciaria de Pattie Boyd em 1988.
No começo dos anos 90 a tragédia voltaria a atormentar a vida de Clapton em duas ocasiões. No dia 27 de agosto de 1990 o guitarrista Stevie Ray Vaughan (que estava em turnê com Eric) e dois membros de sua equipe de apoio morreram em um acidente de helicóptero. No ano seguinte, em 20 de março de 1991, Conor, filho de quatro anos de Clapton com a modelo italiana Lori Del Santo, morreu depois de cair da janela de um apartamento. Um instantâneo da dor de Clapton pôde ser visto com a canção “Tears In Heaven”, My Father’s Eyes (Pilgrim, 1998) e Circus Left Town (Pilgrim, 1998).
Assim como MTV Unplugged (vencedor do Grammy em 1993), seu álbum From The Cradle trazia várias versões de antigos sucessos do blues, dando destaque a seu estilo econômico no violão. Em 1997 ele gravou um álbum de música eletrônica sob o pseudônimo de TDF, Retail Therapy, terminando o século XX com aclamadas parcerias com Carlos Santana e B. B. King.
Em 1999 Clapton, então com 56 anos, conheceu a artista gráfica Melia McEnery, 25, em Los Angeles enquanto trabalhava em um álbum com B. B. King. Eles se casaram em 2002 e tiveram três filhas, Julia Rose (2001), Ella May (2003) e Sophie, nascida em 2005.
Tão conhecido quanto Clapton é o seu costume de usar uma variedade de guitarras. No começo de sua carreira, ele usava uma Gibson Les Paul do final dos anos 50, sendo parcialmente responsável pela reintrodução do estilo original da Les Paul pela Gibson.
Mais tarde, Clapton começou a usar Stratocasters da Fender. A mais famosa de todas as suas guitarras foi Blackie, montada com pedaços de várias Strats e que ele usou até os anos 90, Depois, por medo de danificá-la, guardou em casa, e não a levou mais aos palcos. Por fim, Clapton se desfez da “Blackie” por U$959,500 no leilão organizado pela Christie’s de Nova York, em benefício do centro de reabilitação Crossroads.
Em 1988 Clapton foi honrado pela fábrica de guitarras Fender com a introdução de uma Stratocaster feita sob medida para ele, juntamente com Yngwie Malmsteen. Aquelas foram as primeiras guitarras modeladas para artistas na famosa série “Signature” da Stratocaster, que desde então incluiu modelos para Jeff Beck, Buddy.
Em 1999 Clapton levou a leilão parte de sua coleção de guitarras para levantar fundos para o Crossroads, centro de reabilitação para viciados que ele fundou na Antígua em 1997. O montante total conseguido no leilão pela Christie’s foi de U$7,438,624.
Em 3 de novembro de 2004 é condecorado com o título de Comandante da Ordem do Império Britânico (CBE).
Em 3 de novembro de 2004, Clapton é condecorado com o título de Comandante da Ordem do Império Britânico (CBE).
Em outubro de 2007, seu livro autobiográfico, foi publicado. Ele foi editado em 12 idiomas.
Eric Clapton foi creditado no álbum Brothers in Arms do Dire Straits só porque emprestou a Mark Knopfler uma de suas guitarras.
Clapton foi proibido de dirigir na França e teve sua carta de motorista cassada no Reino Unido depois de ser pego dirigindo um Porsche 911 em uma rodovia francesa em outubro de 2004.
Clapton estava em um show com Stevie Ray Vaughan, Robert Cray, Buddy Guy e Jimmie Vaughan. Após o show, Clapton iria voltar para casa de helicóptero, assim como todos os outros músicos. Ele viu que estava nublado e pensou que algo ruim poderia acontecer, mas não disse nada para não causar pânico. Stevie Ray Vaughan achou um lugar vago em um dos vários helicópteros destinados a levá-los e resolveu ir junto. No dia seguinte, Eric recebeu a notícia de um dos helicópteros, o de Stevie, havia virado para o lado errado e ido de encontro com uma pista artificial de ski. Não havia sobreviventes.
Em 1987, Eric Clapton convidou Tina Turner para gravar a música Tearing Us Apart, não rendeu muito sucesso. Porém é considerado uma grande música e rendeu duas performances ao vivo, uma na Inglaterra e uma no Prince Trust Concert, onde ainda tinha a participação de Phil Collins, Elton John e Mark Knopfler. Texto: Wikipédia.
Senha dos Arquivos: muro
John Mayall - Blues Breakers With Eric Clapton (1965)

01. All Your Love
02. Hideaway
03. Little Girl
04. Another Man
05. Double Crossing Time
06. What'd I Say
07. Key To Love
08. Parchman Farm
09. Have You Heard
10. Ramblin' On My Mind
11. Steppin' Out
12. It Ain't Right
02. Hideaway
03. Little Girl
04. Another Man
05. Double Crossing Time
06. What'd I Say
07. Key To Love
08. Parchman Farm
09. Have You Heard
10. Ramblin' On My Mind
11. Steppin' Out
12. It Ain't Right
Eric Clapton (1970)

02. Bad Boy
03. Told You For The Last Time
04. After Midnight
05. Easy Now
06. Blues Power
07. Bottle Of Red Wine
08. Lovin’ You Lovin’ Me
09. Lonesome And A Long Way From Home
10. Don’t Know Why
11. Let It Rain
Eric Calapton & Duane Allman - Studio Jams (1970)

CD 1.
01. Jam 1
02. Jam 2
03. Jam 3
04. Jam 4
05. Jam 5
06. Jam 6
02. Jam 2
03. Jam 3
04. Jam 4
05. Jam 5
06. Jam 6
CD 2.
01. Tell Me the Truth
02. Mean Old World
03. Mean Old World (Duet)
04. It's Too Late
05. Jam 7
02. Mean Old World
03. Mean Old World (Duet)
04. It's Too Late
05. Jam 7
Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page & Jeff Beck - Guitar Boogie (1971)

01. Choker (Eric Clapton with Jimmy Page)
02. Snake Drive (Eric Clapton)
03. Draggin' My Tail (Eric Clapton with Jimmy Page)
04. Steelin' (The Allstars featuring Jeff Beck)
05. Freight Loader (Eric Clapton with Jimmy Page)
02. Snake Drive (Eric Clapton)
03. Draggin' My Tail (Eric Clapton with Jimmy Page)
04. Steelin' (The Allstars featuring Jeff Beck)
05. Freight Loader (Eric Clapton with Jimmy Page)
CD 2.
01. West Coast Idea (Eric Clapton)
02. L.A. Breakdown (The Allstars featuring Jimmy Page)
03. Down in the Boots (The Allstars featuring Jimmy Page)
04. Chuckles (The Allstars featuring Jeff Beck)
05. Tribute to Elmore (Eric Clapton)
02. L.A. Breakdown (The Allstars featuring Jimmy Page)
03. Down in the Boots (The Allstars featuring Jimmy Page)
04. Chuckles (The Allstars featuring Jeff Beck)
05. Tribute to Elmore (Eric Clapton)
Rainbow Concert (1973)

01. Badge
02. Roll It Over
03. Presence of the Lord
04. Pearly Queen
05. After Midnight
06. Little Wing
02. Roll It Over
03. Presence of the Lord
04. Pearly Queen
05. After Midnight
06. Little Wing
461 Ocean Boulevard (1974)

01. Motherless Children
02. Better Make It Thruogh Today
03. Willie And The Hand Jive
04. Get Ready
05. I Shot The Sheriff
06. I Can’t Hold Out
07. Please Be With Me
08. Let It Grow
09. Steady Rollin’ Man
10. Mainline Florida
11. Give Me Strength
02. Better Make It Thruogh Today
03. Willie And The Hand Jive
04. Get Ready
05. I Shot The Sheriff
06. I Can’t Hold Out
07. Please Be With Me
08. Let It Grow
09. Steady Rollin’ Man
10. Mainline Florida
11. Give Me Strength
There’s One In Every Crowd (1975)

02. Swing Low Sweet Chariot
03. Little Rachel
04. Don’t Blame Me
05. The Sky Is Crying
06. Singin’ The Blues
07. Better Make It Through Today
08. Pretty Blue Eyes
09. High
10. Opposites
E.C. Was Here, (Live 1975)

01. Have You Ever Loved a Woman
02. Presence of the Lord
03. Driftin’ Blues
04. Can’t Find My Way Home
05. Rambling on My Mind
06. Further on up the Road
02. Presence of the Lord
03. Driftin’ Blues
04. Can’t Find My Way Home
05. Rambling on My Mind
06. Further on up the Road
The Legendary L.A. Forum Show (1975)

01. Layla
02. Further On Up the Road
03. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door
04. Carnival
05. Can’t Find My Way Home
06. Tell the Truth
07. Stormy Monday
02. Further On Up the Road
03. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door
04. Carnival
05. Can’t Find My Way Home
06. Tell the Truth
07. Stormy Monday
CD 2.
01. Why Does Love Got to Be So Sad
02. Teach Me to Be Your Woman
03. Badge
04. Eyesight to the Blind
02. Teach Me to Be Your Woman
03. Badge
04. Eyesight to the Blind
No Reason to Cry (1976)

01. Beautiful Thing
02. Carnival
03. Sign Language
04. County Jail Blues
05. All Our Past Times
06. Hello Old Friend
07. Double Trouble
08. Innocent Times
09. Hungry
10. Black Summer Rain
11. Last Night
02. Carnival
03. Sign Language
04. County Jail Blues
05. All Our Past Times
06. Hello Old Friend
07. Double Trouble
08. Innocent Times
09. Hungry
10. Black Summer Rain
11. Last Night
Slowhand (1977)

02. Wonderful Tonight
03. Lay Down Sally
04. Next Time You See Her
05. We’re All the Way
06. Core
07. May You Never
08. Mean Old Frisco
09. Peaches and Diesel
Backless (1978)

01. Walk Out in the Rain
02. Watch Out for Lucy
03. I’ll Make Love to You Anytime
04. Roll It
05. Tell Me That You Love Me
06. If I Don’t Be There by Morning
07. Early in the Morning
08. Promises
09. Golden Ring
10. Tulsa Time
02. Watch Out for Lucy
03. I’ll Make Love to You Anytime
04. Roll It
05. Tell Me That You Love Me
06. If I Don’t Be There by Morning
07. Early in the Morning
08. Promises
09. Golden Ring
10. Tulsa Time
Just One Night (Live 1980)

01. Tulsa Time
02. Early In The Morning
03. Lay Down Sally
04. Wonderful Tonight
05. If I Don’t Be There By Morning
06. Worried Life Blues
07. All Our Past Times
08. After Midnight
02. Early In The Morning
03. Lay Down Sally
04. Wonderful Tonight
05. If I Don’t Be There By Morning
06. Worried Life Blues
07. All Our Past Times
08. After Midnight
CD 2.
01. Double Trouble
02. Setting Me Up
03. Blues Power
04. Rambling On My Mind
05. Cocaine
06. Further On Up The Road
02. Setting Me Up
03. Blues Power
04. Rambling On My Mind
05. Cocaine
06. Further On Up The Road
Another Ticket (1980)

02. Black Rose
03. Blow Wind Blow
04. Another Ticket
05. I Can’t Stand It
06. Hold Me Lord
07. Floating Bridge
08. Catch Me If You Can
09. Rita Mae
Timepieces, The Best Of Eric Clapton (1982)

01. I Shot The Sheriff
02. After Midnight
03. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door
04. Wonderful Tonight
05. Layla
06. Cocaine
07. Lay Down Sally
08. Willie And The Hand Jive
09. Promises
10. Swing Low Sweet Chariot
11. Let It Grow
02. After Midnight
03. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door
04. Wonderful Tonight
05. Layla
06. Cocaine
07. Lay Down Sally
08. Willie And The Hand Jive
09. Promises
10. Swing Low Sweet Chariot
11. Let It Grow
Money And Cigarettes (1983)

01. Everybody Ought to Make a Change
02. Shape You’re In
03. Ain’t Going Down
04. I’ve Got a Rock & Roll Heart
05. Man Overboard
06. Pretty Girl
07. Man in Love
08. Crosscut Saw
09. Slow Down Linda
10. Crazy Country Hop
02. Shape You’re In
03. Ain’t Going Down
04. I’ve Got a Rock & Roll Heart
05. Man Overboard
06. Pretty Girl
07. Man in Love
08. Crosscut Saw
09. Slow Down Linda
10. Crazy Country Hop
Timepieces Vol. II, Live in the Seventies (1983)

02. Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door
03. If I Don’t Be There by Morning
04. Rambling on My Mind
05. Presence of the Lord
06. Can’t Find My Way Home
07. Smile
08. Blues Power
Behind The Sun (1985)

01. She’s Waiting
02. See What Love Can Do
03. Same Old Blues
04. Knock on Wood
05. Something’s Happening
06. Forever Man
07. All Depends
08. Tangled in Love
09. Never Make You Cry
10. Just Like a Prisoner
11. Behind the Sun
02. See What Love Can Do
03. Same Old Blues
04. Knock on Wood
05. Something’s Happening
06. Forever Man
07. All Depends
08. Tangled in Love
09. Never Make You Cry
10. Just Like a Prisoner
11. Behind the Sun
August (1986)

02. Run
03. Tearing Us Apart
04. Bad Influence
05. Walk Away
06. Hung Up On Your Love
07. Take A Chance
08. Hold On
09. Miss You
10. Holy Mother
11. Behind The Mask
The Professor Blues Review (1986)

02. Double Trouble
03. All Your Love
04. I Go Back Home
05. Crossroads
06. White Room
07. Same Old Blues
08. I Can Wait
09. Cocaine
Eric Clapton & Otis Rush - Montreux (1986)

CD 1.
01. Crossroads
02. White room
03. I Shot The Sheriff
04. Wanna Make Love to You
05. Run
06. Miss You
07. Same Old Blues
08. Tearing Us Apart
09. Holy Mother
02. White room
03. I Shot The Sheriff
04. Wanna Make Love to You
05. Run
06. Miss You
07. Same Old Blues
08. Tearing Us Apart
09. Holy Mother
CD 2.
01. Behind The Mask
02. Badge
03. Let It Rain
04. In The Air Tonight
05. Cocaine
06. Layla
07. Sunshine Of Your Love
08. Further On Up The Road
09. Blues Medley Ramblin’ On My Mind, Have You Ever Love
02. Badge
03. Let It Rain
04. In The Air Tonight
05. Cocaine
06. Layla
07. Sunshine Of Your Love
08. Further On Up The Road
09. Blues Medley Ramblin’ On My Mind, Have You Ever Love
Blood Brother, With Keith Richards (1986)

CD 1.
01. Crossroads
02. White Room
03. I Shot The Sheriff
04. Wanna Make Love To You
05. It’s In The Way You Use It
06. Run
07. Miss You
08. Same Old Blues
02. White Room
03. I Shot The Sheriff
04. Wanna Make Love To You
05. It’s In The Way You Use It
06. Run
07. Miss You
08. Same Old Blues
CD 2.
01. Tearing Us Apart
02. Holy Mother
03. Badge
04. Let It Rain
05. Cocaine (Feat. Keith Richards)
06. Layla (Feat. Keith Richards)
07. Sunshine Of Your Love
08. Further On Up The Road
02. Holy Mother
03. Badge
04. Let It Rain
05. Cocaine (Feat. Keith Richards)
06. Layla (Feat. Keith Richards)
07. Sunshine Of Your Love
08. Further On Up The Road
The Slowhand Masterfile Metro Club Boston (1986)

01. Crossroads
02. White Room
03. I ShotThe Sheriff
04. Wanna Make Love To You
05. It’s In The Way That You Use It
06. Run
07. Miss You
08. Same Old Blues
09. Tearing Us Apart
10. Holy Mother
02. White Room
03. I ShotThe Sheriff
04. Wanna Make Love To You
05. It’s In The Way That You Use It
06. Run
07. Miss You
08. Same Old Blues
09. Tearing Us Apart
10. Holy Mother
CD 2.
01. Badge
02. Let It Rain
03. Cocaine
04. Layla
05. Sunshine Of Your Love
06. Jam
07. Bad Influence
08. Tearing Us Apart
09. Layla
10. Stevie Wonder Jam
11. Layla
12. It’s In The Way That You Use It
02. Let It Rain
03. Cocaine
04. Layla
05. Sunshine Of Your Love
06. Jam
07. Bad Influence
08. Tearing Us Apart
09. Layla
10. Stevie Wonder Jam
11. Layla
12. It’s In The Way That You Use It
Eric Clapton & Buddy Guy - Live At Ronnie Scott’s (1987)

02. Play The Blues
03. Key To The Highway
04. Walking The Dog
05. Stormy Monday (Parte 1)
06. Real Mother For Ya’
07. Stormy Monday (Parte 2)
08. Jam
09. Worried Life Blues (Parte 1)
10. Worried Life Blues (Parte 2)
11. Hurt So Bad
12. Wanna Make Love
13. Someday Baby
14. Early In The Morning
15. Rock Me Baby
Crossroads, Box Set (1988)

01. Boom Boom (The Yardbirds)
02. Honey In Your Hips (The Yardbirds)
03. Baby What’s Wrong (The Yardbirds)
04. I Wish You Would (The Yardbirds)
05. A Certain Girl (The Yardbirds)
06. Good Morning Little Schoolgirl (The Yardbirds)
07. I Ain’t Got You (The Yardbirds)
08. For Your Love (The Yardbirds)
09. Got To Hurry (The Yardbirds)
10. Lonely Years (John Mayall)
11. Bernard Jenkins (John Mayall)
12. Hideaway (John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers)
13. All Your Love (John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers)
14. Ramblin’ On My Mind (John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers)
15. Have You Ever Loved A Woman (John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers, Live)
16. Wrapping Paper (Cream)
17. I Feel Free (Cream)
18. Spoonful (Cream)
19. Lawdy Mama (Cream, Unreleased)
20. Strange Brew (Cream)
21. Sunshine Of Your Love (Cream)
22. Tales Of Brave Ulysses (Cream)
23. Steppin’ Out (Cream, Unreleased)
02. Honey In Your Hips (The Yardbirds)
03. Baby What’s Wrong (The Yardbirds)
04. I Wish You Would (The Yardbirds)
05. A Certain Girl (The Yardbirds)
06. Good Morning Little Schoolgirl (The Yardbirds)
07. I Ain’t Got You (The Yardbirds)
08. For Your Love (The Yardbirds)
09. Got To Hurry (The Yardbirds)
10. Lonely Years (John Mayall)
11. Bernard Jenkins (John Mayall)
12. Hideaway (John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers)
13. All Your Love (John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers)
14. Ramblin’ On My Mind (John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers)
15. Have You Ever Loved A Woman (John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers, Live)
16. Wrapping Paper (Cream)
17. I Feel Free (Cream)
18. Spoonful (Cream)
19. Lawdy Mama (Cream, Unreleased)
20. Strange Brew (Cream)
21. Sunshine Of Your Love (Cream)
22. Tales Of Brave Ulysses (Cream)
23. Steppin’ Out (Cream, Unreleased)
CD 2.
01. Anyone For Tennis (Cream)
02. White Room (Cream)
03. Crossroads (Cream)
04. Badge (Cream)
05. Presence Of The Lord (Blind Faith)
06. Can’t Find My Way Home (Blind Faith)
07. Sleeping In The Ground (Blind Faith, Previously Unreleased)
08. Comin’ Home (Delaney and Bonnie)
09. Blues Power
10. After Midnight
11. Let It Rain
12. Tell The Truth (Derek and the Dominos)
13. Roll It Over (Derek and the Dominos)
14. Layla (Derek and the Dominos)
15. Mean Old World (With Duane Allman)
16. Key To The Highway (Derek and the Dominos)
17. Crossroads (Derek and the Dominos, Live)
02. White Room (Cream)
03. Crossroads (Cream)
04. Badge (Cream)
05. Presence Of The Lord (Blind Faith)
06. Can’t Find My Way Home (Blind Faith)
07. Sleeping In The Ground (Blind Faith, Previously Unreleased)
08. Comin’ Home (Delaney and Bonnie)
09. Blues Power
10. After Midnight
11. Let It Rain
12. Tell The Truth (Derek and the Dominos)
13. Roll It Over (Derek and the Dominos)
14. Layla (Derek and the Dominos)
15. Mean Old World (With Duane Allman)
16. Key To The Highway (Derek and the Dominos)
17. Crossroads (Derek and the Dominos, Live)
CD 3.
01. Got To Get Better In A Little While (Derek and the Dominos)
02. Evil (Derek and the Dominos)
03. One More Chance (Derek and the Dominos)
04. Mean Old Frisco (Derek and the Dominos)
05. Snake Lake Blues (Derek and the Dominos)
06. Let It Grow
07. Ain’t That Lovin’ You
08. Motherless Children
09. I Shot The Sheriff
10. Better Make It Through Today
11. The Sky Is Crying
12. I Found A Love
13. Hurts Me Too
14. Watcha Gonna Do
15. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door
16. Someone Like You
02. Evil (Derek and the Dominos)
03. One More Chance (Derek and the Dominos)
04. Mean Old Frisco (Derek and the Dominos)
05. Snake Lake Blues (Derek and the Dominos)
06. Let It Grow
07. Ain’t That Lovin’ You
08. Motherless Children
09. I Shot The Sheriff
10. Better Make It Through Today
11. The Sky Is Crying
12. I Found A Love
13. Hurts Me Too
14. Watcha Gonna Do
15. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door
16. Someone Like You
CD 4.
01. Hello Old Friend
02. Sign Language
03. Further Up On The Road
04. Lay Down Sally
05. Wonderful Tonight
06. Cocaine
07. Promises
08. If I Don’t Be There By Morning
09. Double Trouble
10. I Can’t Stand It
11. The Shape You’re In
12. Heaven Is One Step Away
13. She’s Waiting
14. Too Bad
15. Miss You
16. Wanna Make Love To You
17. After Midnight
02. Sign Language
03. Further Up On The Road
04. Lay Down Sally
05. Wonderful Tonight
06. Cocaine
07. Promises
08. If I Don’t Be There By Morning
09. Double Trouble
10. I Can’t Stand It
11. The Shape You’re In
12. Heaven Is One Step Away
13. She’s Waiting
14. Too Bad
15. Miss You
16. Wanna Make Love To You
17. After Midnight
Journeyman (1989)

02. Anything For Your Love
03. Bad Love
04. Running On Faith
05. Hard Times
06. Hound Dog
07. No Alibis
08. Run So Far
09. Old Love
10. Breaking Point
11. Lead Me On
12. Before You Accuse Me
Blues Night London (Live 1990)

CD 1.
01. Key to the Highway
02. Worried Life Blues
03. Watch Yourself
04. Have You Ever Loved a Woman
05. Johnnies Boogie
06. Standing Around Crying
07. Long Distance Call
08. Band Introduction
09. Going down slow
10. You Belong To Me
11. Cry For Me
12. Howling For My Baby
13. Same Thing
02. Worried Life Blues
03. Watch Yourself
04. Have You Ever Loved a Woman
05. Johnnies Boogie
06. Standing Around Crying
07. Long Distance Call
08. Band Introduction
09. Going down slow
10. You Belong To Me
11. Cry For Me
12. Howling For My Baby
13. Same Thing
CD 2.
01. Money
02. Five Long Years
03. Something On Your Mind
04. Everything’s Going To Be Alright
05. Sweet Home Chicago
06. My Time After a While
07. Wee Wee Baby
08. No Alibis (Journeyman Outtake)
09. Pretending (Journeyman Outtake)
10. Running On Faith (Journeyman Outtake)
02. Five Long Years
03. Something On Your Mind
04. Everything’s Going To Be Alright
05. Sweet Home Chicago
06. My Time After a While
07. Wee Wee Baby
08. No Alibis (Journeyman Outtake)
09. Pretending (Journeyman Outtake)
10. Running On Faith (Journeyman Outtake)
Buddy Guy & Eric Clapton - Royal Albert Hall (1990)

02. Money
03. Five Long Years
04. Dj Chatter
05. This Is The Most Enjoyent Moment
06. Everything’s Gonna Be Alright
07. Something On Your Mind
08. Dj Chatter
09. This Is So Much Fun
10. My Time After Awhile
11. Hoochie Coochie Man
24 Nights (1991)

CD 1.
01. Badge
02. Running On Faith
03. White Room
04. Sunshine Of Your Love
05. Watch Yourself
06. Have You Ever Loved A Woman
07. Worried Life Blues
08. Voodoo Man
02. Running On Faith
03. White Room
04. Sunshine Of Your Love
05. Watch Yourself
06. Have You Ever Loved A Woman
07. Worried Life Blues
08. Voodoo Man
CD 2.
01. Pretending
02. Bad Love
03. Old Love
04. Wonderful Tonight
05. Bell Bottom Blues
06. Hard Times
07. Edge Of Darkness
02. Bad Love
03. Old Love
04. Wonderful Tonight
05. Bell Bottom Blues
06. Hard Times
07. Edge Of Darkness
Rush, Soundtrack (1992)

01. New Recruit
02. Tracks and Lines
03. Realization
04. Kristen and Jim
05. Preludin Fugue
06. Cold Turkey
07. Will Gaines
08. Help Me Up
09. Don’t Know Which Way to Go
10. Tears in Heaven
02. Tracks and Lines
03. Realization
04. Kristen and Jim
05. Preludin Fugue
06. Cold Turkey
07. Will Gaines
08. Help Me Up
09. Don’t Know Which Way to Go
10. Tears in Heaven
The Secret Policeman’s Concert (1992)

01. Roxanne (Sting)
02. Message in a Bottle (Sting)
03. Cause We’ve Ended as Lovers (Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton)
04. Farther Up the Road (Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton)
05. Crossroads (Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton)
06. I Don’t Like Mondays (Bob Geldof)
07. In the Air Tonight (Phil Collins)
08. Roof Is Leaking (Phil Collins)
09. Universal Soldier (Donovan)
10. Catch the Wind (Donovan)
11. I Shall Be Released (The Secret Police)
02. Message in a Bottle (Sting)
03. Cause We’ve Ended as Lovers (Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton)
04. Farther Up the Road (Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton)
05. Crossroads (Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton)
06. I Don’t Like Mondays (Bob Geldof)
07. In the Air Tonight (Phil Collins)
08. Roof Is Leaking (Phil Collins)
09. Universal Soldier (Donovan)
10. Catch the Wind (Donovan)
11. I Shall Be Released (The Secret Police)
Unplugged (1992)

01. Signe
02. Before You Accuse Me
03. Hey Hey
04. Tears In Heaven
05. Lonely Stranger
06. Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out
07. Layla
08. Running On Faith
09. Walkin’ Blues
10. Alberta
11. San Francisco Bay Blues
12. Malted Milk
13. Old Love
14. Rollin’ & Tumblin
02. Before You Accuse Me
03. Hey Hey
04. Tears In Heaven
05. Lonely Stranger
06. Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out
07. Layla
08. Running On Faith
09. Walkin’ Blues
10. Alberta
11. San Francisco Bay Blues
12. Malted Milk
13. Old Love
14. Rollin’ & Tumblin
From the Cradle (1994)

02. Third Degree
03. Reconsider Baby
04. Hoochie Coochie Man
05. Five Long Years
06. I’m Tore Down
07. How Long Blues
08. Goin’ Away Baby
09. Blues Leave Me Alone
10. Sinner’s Prayer
11. Motherless Child
12. It Hurts Me Too
13. Someday After A While
14. Standin’ Round Crying
15. Driftin’
16. Groaning The Blues
Beginnings (1994)

01. West Coast Idea
02. Snake Drive
03. Freight Loader
04. Tribute To Elmore
05. Choker
06. Draggin My Tail
07. Miles Raod
08. I’m Your Witch/Doctor (John Mayall & The Blues Breakers)
09. Boom Boom (The Yardbirds)
10. Honey In Your Hips (The Yardbirds)
11. Talkin About You (The Yardbirds)
12. You Can’t Judge a Book By Looking At The Cover (The Yardbirds)
13. Louise (The Yardbirds)
14. Putty (In Your Hands) (The Yardbirds)
02. Snake Drive
03. Freight Loader
04. Tribute To Elmore
05. Choker
06. Draggin My Tail
07. Miles Raod
08. I’m Your Witch/Doctor (John Mayall & The Blues Breakers)
09. Boom Boom (The Yardbirds)
10. Honey In Your Hips (The Yardbirds)
11. Talkin About You (The Yardbirds)
12. You Can’t Judge a Book By Looking At The Cover (The Yardbirds)
13. Louise (The Yardbirds)
14. Putty (In Your Hands) (The Yardbirds)
Blues Fillmore (1994)

01. Motherless Child
02. Malted Milk
03. How Long
04. Kidman Blues
05. County Jail
06. .44
07. Blues Leave Me Alone
08. Standin’ Around Crying
09. Hoochie Coochie Man
10. It Hurts Me Too
11. Blues Before Sunrise
12. Third Degree
13. Reconsider Baby
14. Sinner’s Prayer
15. Can’t Judge Nobody
02. Malted Milk
03. How Long
04. Kidman Blues
05. County Jail
06. .44
07. Blues Leave Me Alone
08. Standin’ Around Crying
09. Hoochie Coochie Man
10. It Hurts Me Too
11. Blues Before Sunrise
12. Third Degree
13. Reconsider Baby
14. Sinner’s Prayer
15. Can’t Judge Nobody
Rainbow Concert 25th Anniversary Edition (Empress Valley 1995)

CD 1.
01. Introduction
02. Layla
03. Badge
04. Blues Power
05. Nobody Knows You
06. Roll It Over
07. Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad
08. Little Wing
02. Layla
03. Badge
04. Blues Power
05. Nobody Knows You
06. Roll It Over
07. Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad
08. Little Wing
CD 2.
01. Bottle Of Red Wine
02. After Midnight
03. Bell Bottom Blues
04. Presence Of The Lord
05. Tell The Truth
06. Pearly Queen
07. Let It Rain
08. Crossroads
02. After Midnight
03. Bell Bottom Blues
04. Presence Of The Lord
05. Tell The Truth
06. Pearly Queen
07. Let It Rain
08. Crossroads
CD 3.
01. Layla (Fade In)
02. Badge
03. Blues Power
04. Nobody Knows You
05. Take it Easy
06. Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad
07. Little Wing
02. Badge
03. Blues Power
04. Nobody Knows You
05. Take it Easy
06. Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad
07. Little Wing
CD 4.
01. Bottle Of Red Wine
02. Presence Of The Lord
03. Tell The Truth
04. Pearly Queen
05. Key To The Highway
06. Let It Rain
07. Crossroads
08. Layla
02. Presence Of The Lord
03. Tell The Truth
04. Pearly Queen
05. Key To The Highway
06. Let It Rain
07. Crossroads
08. Layla
The Cream of Clapton (1995)
Crossroads 2, Live In the Seventies (1996)

01. Walkin’ Down The Road
02. Have You Ever Loved A Woman
03. Willie & The Hand Jive – Get Ready
04. Can’t Find My Way Home
05. Driftin’ Blues / Rambling On My Min
06. Presence Of The Lord
07. Rambling On My Mind / Have You Ever Loved A Woman
08. Little Wing
02. Have You Ever Loved A Woman
03. Willie & The Hand Jive – Get Ready
04. Can’t Find My Way Home
05. Driftin’ Blues / Rambling On My Min
06. Presence Of The Lord
07. Rambling On My Mind / Have You Ever Loved A Woman
08. Little Wing
CD 2.
01. Layla
02. Further On Up The Road
03. I Shot The Sheriff
04. Badge
05. Driftin’ Blues
06. Eyesight To The Blind / Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad?
02. Further On Up The Road
03. I Shot The Sheriff
04. Badge
05. Driftin’ Blues
06. Eyesight To The Blind / Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad?
CD 3.
01. Tell The Truth
02. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door
03. Stormy Monday
04. Lay Down Sally
05. The Core
06. We’re All The Way
07. Cocaine
08. Goin’ Down Slow / Rambling On My Mind
09. Mean Old Frisco
02. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door
03. Stormy Monday
04. Lay Down Sally
05. The Core
06. We’re All The Way
07. Cocaine
08. Goin’ Down Slow / Rambling On My Mind
09. Mean Old Frisco
CD 4.
01. Loving You Is Sweeter Than Ever
02. Worried Life Blues
03. Tulsa Time
04. Early In The Morning
05. Wonderful Tonight
06. Kind Hearted Woman
07. Double Trouble
08. Crossroads
09. To Make Somebody Happy
10. She Cryin’
11. Water On The Ground
02. Worried Life Blues
03. Tulsa Time
04. Early In The Morning
05. Wonderful Tonight
06. Kind Hearted Woman
07. Double Trouble
08. Crossroads
09. To Make Somebody Happy
10. She Cryin’
11. Water On The Ground
Pilgrim (1998)

02. River Of Tears
03. Pilgrim
04. Broken Hearted
05. One Chance
06. Circus
07. Going Down Slow
08. Fall Like Rain
09. Born In Time
10. Sick And Tired
11. Needs His Woman
12. She’s Gone
13. You Were There
14. Inside Of Me
Twilight (1998)

01. My Father’s Eyes
02. Pilgrim
03. One Chance
04. River of Tears
05. Goin’ Down Slow
06. She’s Gone
07. Tears in Heaven
08. Layla
09. Change the World
02. Pilgrim
03. One Chance
04. River of Tears
05. Goin’ Down Slow
06. She’s Gone
07. Tears in Heaven
08. Layla
09. Change the World
CD 2.
01. Old Love
02. Crossroads
03. Have You Ever Loved a Woman
04. I Shot the Sheriff
05. Wonderful Tonight
06. Tearing Us Apart
07. Cocaine
08. Sunshine of Your Love
02. Crossroads
03. Have You Ever Loved a Woman
04. I Shot the Sheriff
05. Wonderful Tonight
06. Tearing Us Apart
07. Cocaine
08. Sunshine of Your Love
The Blues (1999)

01. Before You Accuse Me (Take a Look at Yourself, Version 1)
02. Mean Old World – Duane Allman
03. Ain’t That Lovin’ You
04. Sky Is Crying
05. Cryin
06. Have You Ever Loved a Woman
07. Alberta
08. Early in the Morning
09. Give Me Strength
10. Meet Me (Down at the Bottom)
11. County Jail Blues
12. Floating Bridge
13. Blow Wind Blow
14. To Make Somebody Happy
15. Before You Accuse Me (Take a Look at Yourself, Version 2)
02. Mean Old World – Duane Allman
03. Ain’t That Lovin’ You
04. Sky Is Crying
05. Cryin
06. Have You Ever Loved a Woman
07. Alberta
08. Early in the Morning
09. Give Me Strength
10. Meet Me (Down at the Bottom)
11. County Jail Blues
12. Floating Bridge
13. Blow Wind Blow
14. To Make Somebody Happy
15. Before You Accuse Me (Take a Look at Yourself, Version 2)
CD 2.
01. Stormy Monday
02. Worried Life Blues
03. Early in the Morning
04. Have You Ever Loved a Woman
05. Wonderful Tonight
06. Kind Hearted Woman
07. Double Trouble
08. Driftin’ Blues
09. Crossroads
10. Further on up the Road
02. Worried Life Blues
03. Early in the Morning
04. Have You Ever Loved a Woman
05. Wonderful Tonight
06. Kind Hearted Woman
07. Double Trouble
08. Driftin’ Blues
09. Crossroads
10. Further on up the Road
Clapton Chronicles, The Best Of Eric Clapton (1999)

01. Blue Eyes Blue
02. Change The World
03. My Father’s Eyes
04. Tears In Heaven
05. Layla
06. Pretending
07. Bad Love
08. Before You Accuse Me
09. It’s In The Way That You Use It
10. Forever Man
11. Running On Faith
12. She’s Waiting
13. River Of Tears
14. (I) Get Lost
02. Change The World
03. My Father’s Eyes
04. Tears In Heaven
05. Layla
06. Pretending
07. Bad Love
08. Before You Accuse Me
09. It’s In The Way That You Use It
10. Forever Man
11. Running On Faith
12. She’s Waiting
13. River Of Tears
14. (I) Get Lost
Eric Clapton & B.B King - Riding With The King (2000)

01. Riding With The King
02. Ten Long Years
03. Key To The Highway
04. Marry You
05. Three O’Clock Blues
06. Help The Poor
07. I Wanna Be
08. Worried Life Blues
09. Days Of Old
10. When My Heart Beats Like A Hammer
11. Hold On I’m Coming
12. Come Rain Or Come Shine
02. Ten Long Years
03. Key To The Highway
04. Marry You
05. Three O’Clock Blues
06. Help The Poor
07. I Wanna Be
08. Worried Life Blues
09. Days Of Old
10. When My Heart Beats Like A Hammer
11. Hold On I’m Coming
12. Come Rain Or Come Shine
Eric Clapton & Carlos Santana - The Calling (2000)

01. Batuka
02. No One To Depend On
03. Taboo
04. The Calling
05. Apache-Smooth
06. Soul Sacrifice
07. Jingo
08. Little Wing
09. Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad
02. No One To Depend On
03. Taboo
04. The Calling
05. Apache-Smooth
06. Soul Sacrifice
07. Jingo
08. Little Wing
09. Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad
Reptile (2001)

02. Got You On My Mind
03. Travelin’ Light
04. Believe In Life
05. Come Back Baby
06. Broken Down
07. Find Myself
08. I Ain’t Gonna Stand For It
09. I Want A Little Girl
10. Second Nature
11. Don’t Let Me Be Lonely Tonight
12. Modern Girl
13. Superman Inside
14. Son & Sylvia
Sacramento (2001)

CD 1.
01. Key To The Highway
02. Reptile
03. Got You On My Mind
04. Tears In Heaven
05. Bell Bottom Blues
06. Change The World
07. My Father’s Eyes
08. River Of Tears
09. Going Down Slow
10. She’s Gone
11. I Want A Little Girl
02. Reptile
03. Got You On My Mind
04. Tears In Heaven
05. Bell Bottom Blues
06. Change The World
07. My Father’s Eyes
08. River Of Tears
09. Going Down Slow
10. She’s Gone
11. I Want A Little Girl
CD 2.
01. Badge
02. Hoochie Coochie Man
03. Have You Ever Loved A Woman
04. Cocaine
05. Wonderful Tonight
06. Layla
07. You Got Me Going Around In Circles
08. Sunshine Of Your Love
09. Somewhere Over The Rainbow
10. Ain’t Gonna Stand For It
02. Hoochie Coochie Man
03. Have You Ever Loved A Woman
04. Cocaine
05. Wonderful Tonight
06. Layla
07. You Got Me Going Around In Circles
08. Sunshine Of Your Love
09. Somewhere Over The Rainbow
10. Ain’t Gonna Stand For It
One More Car, One More Rider (Live 2002)

01. Key to the Highway
02. Reptile
03. Got You on My Mind
04. Tears In Heaven
05. Bell Bottom Blues
06. Change the World
07. Father’s Eyes
08. River of Tears
09. Going Down Slow
10. She’s Gone
02. Reptile
03. Got You on My Mind
04. Tears In Heaven
05. Bell Bottom Blues
06. Change the World
07. Father’s Eyes
08. River of Tears
09. Going Down Slow
10. She’s Gone
CD 2.
01. I Want a Little Girl
02. Badge
03. Hootchie Kootchie Man
04. Have You Ever Loved a Woman
05. Cocaine
06. Wonderful Tonight
07. Layla
08. Sunshine of Your Love
09. Over the Rainbow
02. Badge
03. Hootchie Kootchie Man
04. Have You Ever Loved a Woman
05. Cocaine
06. Wonderful Tonight
07. Layla
08. Sunshine of Your Love
09. Over the Rainbow
Me and Mr Johnson (2004)

01. When You Got A Good Friend
02. Little Queen Of Spades
03. They’re Red Hot
04. Me And The Devil Blues
05. Traveling Riverside Blues
06. Last Fair Deal Gone Down
07. Stop Breakin’ Down Blues
08. Milkcow’s Calf Blues
09. Kind Hearted Woman Blues
10. Come On In My Kitchen
11. If I Had Possession Over Judgement Day
12. Love In Vain
13. 32-20 Blues
14. Hell Hound On My Trail
02. Little Queen Of Spades
03. They’re Red Hot
04. Me And The Devil Blues
05. Traveling Riverside Blues
06. Last Fair Deal Gone Down
07. Stop Breakin’ Down Blues
08. Milkcow’s Calf Blues
09. Kind Hearted Woman Blues
10. Come On In My Kitchen
11. If I Had Possession Over Judgement Day
12. Love In Vain
13. 32-20 Blues
14. Hell Hound On My Trail
Back Home (2005)

01. So Tired
02. Say What You Will
03. I’m Going Left
04. Love Don’t Love Nobody
05. Revolution
06. Love Comes To Everyone
07. Lost And Found
08. Piece Of My Heart
09. One Day
10. One Track Mind
11. Run Home To Me
12. Back Home
02. Say What You Will
03. I’m Going Left
04. Love Don’t Love Nobody
05. Revolution
06. Love Comes To Everyone
07. Lost And Found
08. Piece Of My Heart
09. One Day
10. One Track Mind
11. Run Home To Me
12. Back Home
Sessions For Robert J (2005)

01. Sweet Home Chicago
02. Milkcow’s Calf Blues
03. Terraplane Blues
04. If I Had Possession Over Judgement Day
05. Stop Breakin’ Down Blues
06. Little Queen Of Spades
07. Traveling Riverside Blues
08. Me And The Devil Blues
09. From Four Until Late
10. Kind Hearted Woman Blues
11. Ramblin’ On My Mind
02. Milkcow’s Calf Blues
03. Terraplane Blues
04. If I Had Possession Over Judgement Day
05. Stop Breakin’ Down Blues
06. Little Queen Of Spades
07. Traveling Riverside Blues
08. Me And The Devil Blues
09. From Four Until Late
10. Kind Hearted Woman Blues
11. Ramblin’ On My Mind
JJ. Cale & Eric Clapton - Road To Escondido (2006)

01. Danger
02. Heads In Georgia
03. Missing Person
04. When This War Is Over
05. Sporting Life Blues
06. Dead End Road
07. It’s Easy
08. Hard To Thrill
09. Anyway The Wind Blows
10. Three Little Girls
11. Don’t Cry Sister
12. Last Will And Testament
13. Who Am I Telling You?
14. Ride The River
02. Heads In Georgia
03. Missing Person
04. When This War Is Over
05. Sporting Life Blues
06. Dead End Road
07. It’s Easy
08. Hard To Thrill
09. Anyway The Wind Blows
10. Three Little Girls
11. Don’t Cry Sister
12. Last Will And Testament
13. Who Am I Telling You?
14. Ride The River
Complete Clapton (2007)

CD 1.
01. I Feel Free
02. Sunshine Of Your Love
03. White Room
04. Crossroads
05. Badge
06. Prescence Of The Lord
07. After Midnight
08. Let It Rain
09. Bell Bottom Blues
10. Layla
11. Let It Grow
12. I Shot The Sheriff
13. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door
14. Hello Old Friend
15. Cocaine
16. Lay Down Sally
17. Wonderful Tonight
18. Promises
19. I Can’t Stand It
02. Sunshine Of Your Love
03. White Room
04. Crossroads
05. Badge
06. Prescence Of The Lord
07. After Midnight
08. Let It Rain
09. Bell Bottom Blues
10. Layla
11. Let It Grow
12. I Shot The Sheriff
13. Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door
14. Hello Old Friend
15. Cocaine
16. Lay Down Sally
17. Wonderful Tonight
18. Promises
19. I Can’t Stand It
CD 2.
01. I’ve Got A Rock ‘n’ Roll Heart
02. She’s Waiting
03. Forever Man Listen
04. It’s In The Way That You Use It
05. Miss You
06. Pretending
07. Bad Love
08. Tears In Heaven
09. Layla
11. Running On Faith
11. Motherless Child
12. Change The World
13. My Father’s Eyes
14. Riding With The King
15. Sweet Home Chicago
16. If I Had Possession Over Judgement Day
17. Ride The River
02. She’s Waiting
03. Forever Man Listen
04. It’s In The Way That You Use It
05. Miss You
06. Pretending
07. Bad Love
08. Tears In Heaven
09. Layla
11. Running On Faith
11. Motherless Child
12. Change The World
13. My Father’s Eyes
14. Riding With The King
15. Sweet Home Chicago
16. If I Had Possession Over Judgement Day
17. Ride The River
Jeff Beck & Eric Clapton - Exhaust Note (2007)

01. Leo Green Introduction
02. Beck’s Bolero
03. Breath Eternal
04. Stratus
05. Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers
06. Behind The Veil
07. You Never Know
08. Blast From The East (False Start)
09. Nadia
10. Blast From The East
11. Led Boots
12. Angel Footsteps
13. Scatterbrain
02. Beck’s Bolero
03. Breath Eternal
04. Stratus
05. Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers
06. Behind The Veil
07. You Never Know
08. Blast From The East (False Start)
09. Nadia
10. Blast From The East
11. Led Boots
12. Angel Footsteps
13. Scatterbrain
CD 2.
01. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
02. Brush With The Blues
03. Space Boogie
04. Big Block
05. A Day In The Life
06. Introduction of EC by Jeff Beck
07. Little Brown Bird (W/ EC)
08. You Need Your Love (W/ EC)
09. Where Were You
02. Brush With The Blues
03. Space Boogie
04. Big Block
05. A Day In The Life
06. Introduction of EC by Jeff Beck
07. Little Brown Bird (W/ EC)
08. You Need Your Love (W/ EC)
09. Where Were You
CD 3.
01. Leo Green Introduction
02. Race With The Devil
03. Crazy Legs
04. Train Kept A Rollin’
05. My Baby Left Me
06. Matchbox
07. Baby Blue
08. Honky Tonk (W/ Leo Green on Sax)
09. Beck’s Bolero
10. Breath Eternal
11. Stratus
12. Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers
13. Behind The Veil
14. You Never Know
15. Nadia
16. Blast From The East
17. Led Boots
18. Angel Footsteps
02. Race With The Devil
03. Crazy Legs
04. Train Kept A Rollin’
05. My Baby Left Me
06. Matchbox
07. Baby Blue
08. Honky Tonk (W/ Leo Green on Sax)
09. Beck’s Bolero
10. Breath Eternal
11. Stratus
12. Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers
13. Behind The Veil
14. You Never Know
15. Nadia
16. Blast From The East
17. Led Boots
18. Angel Footsteps
CD 4.
01. Scatterbrain
02. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
03. Brush With The Blues
04. Space Boogie
05. Blanket (W/ Imogen Heap)
06. Big Block
07. A Day In The Life
08. Rollin’ and Tumblin’ (W/ Imogen Heap)
09. Where Were You
02. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
03. Brush With The Blues
04. Space Boogie
05. Blanket (W/ Imogen Heap)
06. Big Block
07. A Day In The Life
08. Rollin’ and Tumblin’ (W/ Imogen Heap)
09. Where Were You
Steve Winwood & Eric Clapton - Highclere (2007)

01 .Intro
02. I’m a Man
03. Higher Love
04. Back in the Highlife
05. Dear Mr Fantasy
06. Why Can’t we Live Together
07. Keep On Runnin’
02. I’m a Man
03. Higher Love
04. Back in the Highlife
05. Dear Mr Fantasy
06. Why Can’t we Live Together
07. Keep On Runnin’
CD 2.
01. EC Intro
02. Take It Easy
03. Presence of the Lord
04. Crossroads
05. Little Queen Of Spades
06. Can’t Find My Way Home
07. Had to Cry Today
08. Gimme Some Lovin’
02. Take It Easy
03. Presence of the Lord
04. Crossroads
05. Little Queen Of Spades
06. Can’t Find My Way Home
07. Had to Cry Today
08. Gimme Some Lovin’
Eric Clapton & Steve Winwood - Traffic Shaping (2008)

01. Had To Cry Today
02. Low Down
03. Forever Man
04. Them Changes
05. Sleeping In The Ground
06. Presence Of The Lord
07. Glad
08. Well Alright
09. Double Trouble
10. Pearly Queen
11. Tell The Truth
12. No Face, No Name, and No Number
13. After Midnight
14. Split Decision
15. Ramblin On My Mind (EC Solo Acoustic)
16. Georgia On My Mind (SW Solo Hammond)
17. Little Wing
18. Voodoo Chile
19. Can’t Find My Way Home
20. Dear Mr Fantasy
21. applause
22. Crossroads
02. Low Down
03. Forever Man
04. Them Changes
05. Sleeping In The Ground
06. Presence Of The Lord
07. Glad
08. Well Alright
09. Double Trouble
10. Pearly Queen
11. Tell The Truth
12. No Face, No Name, and No Number
13. After Midnight
14. Split Decision
15. Ramblin On My Mind (EC Solo Acoustic)
16. Georgia On My Mind (SW Solo Hammond)
17. Little Wing
18. Voodoo Chile
19. Can’t Find My Way Home
20. Dear Mr Fantasy
21. applause
22. Crossroads
Clapton (2010)

01. Traveling Alone
02. Rocking Chair
03. River Runs Deep
04. Judgement Day
05. How Deep Is The Ocean
06. Milkman
07. Crazy About You Baby
08. That's No Way To Get Along
09. Everything Will Be Alright
10. Diamonds
11. When Somebody Thinks You're Wonderful
12. Hard Times
13. Rolling And Tumbling
14. Autum Leaves
02. Rocking Chair
03. River Runs Deep
04. Judgement Day
05. How Deep Is The Ocean
06. Milkman
07. Crazy About You Baby
08. That's No Way To Get Along
09. Everything Will Be Alright
10. Diamonds
11. When Somebody Thinks You're Wonderful
12. Hard Times
13. Rolling And Tumbling
14. Autum Leaves

01. Ice Cream
02. Forty-Four
03. Joe Turner’s Blues
04. The Last Time
05. Careless Love
06. Kidman Blues
07. Layla
08. Joliet Bound
09. Just A Closer Walk With Thee (Feat. Taj Mahal)
10. Corrine, Corrina (Feat. Taj Majal)
02. Forty-Four
03. Joe Turner’s Blues
04. The Last Time
05. Careless Love
06. Kidman Blues
07. Layla
08. Joliet Bound
09. Just A Closer Walk With Thee (Feat. Taj Mahal)
10. Corrine, Corrina (Feat. Taj Majal)
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